Become a Certified CAB Birth Doula
Becoming a CAB Certified Doula furthers your development as a birth doula and prepares you to best serve your clients.
CAB is a Doula Certifying Organization in Minnesota. Your CAB Certification is recognized by the State of MN and you can apply to be on the Doula Registry of MN in order to be eligible for Medicaid reimbursement and credentialed for reimbursement from some private companies.
We have created these requirements from our experience in our own birthwork practices and our desire to create a pathway for you to have a successful doula practice with compassionate and knowledgeable care of your clients.
Become a Certified CAB Birth Doula:
If you have previously trained or certified with a different organization and are interested in becoming certified with CAB or transferring your certification- your list of requirements is HERE.
CAB Certification Requirements:
Complete our 3-day CAB Doula Training Weekend Your training weekend begins your two year window to complete your certification. Please Note: CAB Certification requirements must be completed within 2 years of your CAB Doula Training Weekend, otherwise you will need to repeat the CAB Doula Training Weekend (including PreWork) to re-open your certification window. Tiered Pricing is always available
Sign the CAB Professional Standards, Code of Ethics and Scope of Practice
Complete an 8-12 hour Childbirth Education Series... We recommend either Evidence Based Birth®️ Childbirth Class with Rhonda & Heather Christine ($150 to Audit) or CAB Childbirth Education for Birthworker with Rhonda &Heather Christine ($130) or any other audit of a 8-12 hr series. *no crash courses* We would prefer you take your CBE prior to your doula training weekend if possible. We would prefer you take a live class but accept online series as well.
Complete a 6 hour Lactation for Birthworkers Class…We recommend our CAB Lactation for Birthworkers ($100) which we offer paired with Doula Training Weekend or attend/complete a 6-hour equivalent course. This class should be geared towards birthworkers and not for expectant parents. Can be taken before or after doula training.
Up to Date CPR Training for infants, children and adults or NRP Training
Participate in the CAB Mentorship Program ($245 fee)
Read “My Grandmother’s Hands” and submit a written reflection (500-750 words) or verbally if needed.
Read “The Birth Partner,”* “Nurture’ or ‘Amani Birth’
Read a book about postpartum and submit a sample postpartum plan that you would prepare for a family. Examples include: “The Fourth Trimester,” “First Forty Days,” “This Isn’t What I Expected,” “Awake at 3 A.M.”
Essay/reflection on 3-5 birth stories At least one reflection from your own doula experience; Otherwise birth stories in literature or documentary can be used. Written or verbally if needed.
Self Reflection/Essay Discuss the concept: “It’s Not About You” as it relates to doula support in writing or verbally if needed
Create a Resource List Include at least 30 resources for birthing persons, in a format that can be shared virtually (can be done as a collaborative effort with fellow doulas)
30 minute Meeting (Zoom or In-person) with CAB Trainer and Mentor to discuss final readiness for certification, after all above requirements are met ($45 Certification Admin Fee)
For ease and organization we have created CAB Birth Doula Certification Checklist
Certification and ReCertification is valid for 3 years. Recertification requires a 1:1 (Zoom or InPerson) with HC or Rhonda along with submission of three continuing education classes/series completed during the past 3 years. No fee for recertification.
**All books listed above can be found through the Hennepin County Public Library System except Amani Birth
**Books in italics are also available on Audible. If reading and writing are a barrier for any reason, contact us for other options, such as having a conversation instead of writing a reflection.